
Create a Writing Rubric!

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If you’re like me, you’ve been frustrated with what’s provided to you for teaching writing in the classroom. Many years ago I went to a presentation where we were taught how to create a rubric. I really loved the way she explained how to make a rubric for any writing assignment. It didn’t give me a curriculum, but once I knew how to create the rubric, it was easy to come up with writing ideas. Something I love about creating my own rubrics is that I can customize it to my students’ needs. This is great for students who struggle and for those who want to go above and beyond!

Creating a writing rubric doesn’t have to be daunting. There are many different types of rubrics, and your writing assignments don’t have to always have the same one. Once you’ve decided on what it is you want the students to complete, choose which type of rubric you want to use.

IMPORTANT: I am a firm believer in giving the rubric to students at the beginning of the writing process! You want to make sure they know what’s expected of them. If you want them to grow as writers, this can’t be a surprise to them.

It’s also important to note that not every writing assignment your students complete has to have a rubric. If I’m teaching a specific concept, I may give credit/no credit. This ensures you’re not spending all of your time grading, and it also helps give the students confidence with what they’re practicing.

If you’d like suggestions and examples for How to Create a Writing Rubric, click on the link to get your FREE copy sent to you!

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